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ResMed HumidX/HumidX Plus For AirMini Auto Travel CPAP Machine

Manufacturer: ResMed
Model: 38808, 38809, 38810... More
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Standard 50/pk+$402.00
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Plus 50/pk+$402.00
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Genuine ResMed Product

Selected pack of HumidX and HumidX Plus: 3/pk, 6/pk or 50/pk




ResMed AirMini HumidX/HumidX Plus: Waterless Humidification

The HumidX and HumidX Plus are small heat and moisture exchangers (HMEs) designed to provide comfortable and effective humidification without water.

How does it work?
Heat and moisture from the exhaled breath is captured and stored within the HME's tiny paper ridges before it reaches the mask's vent. This heat and moisture is then released when you take your next breath, giving you warm, soothing air.

Under normal nighttime conditions (61 to 72°F (16 to 22°C) and 20-30% relative humidity), the HumidX/HumidX Plus delivers air to the user at a relative humidity level of 70-80%.

Key Features

  • Compatible with ResMed AirFit P10, AirFit N30 and AirFit/AirTouch N20 for AirMini
  • Choose HumidX for standard humidification or HumidX Plus for more moisture/use in dryer environments
  • Individually packaged HumidX/HumidX Plus usable for up to 30 days after opening
  • No cleaning required, discard after 30 days

Model38808, 38809, 38810, 38811, 38812, 38813
HCPCS CodeE1399

Questions? Ask here. We typically respond within 12-24 hours, often sooner. You'll receive email notifications once answered.
1–10 of 10 Questions
Q. What is the difference between the regular and plus
A. HumidX Capsule
This is the standard waterless humidification system for most climates and sleep environments.

HumidX Plus Capsule
The waterless humidification system optimized for use where dry and high altitude environments with large amount of moisture is needed.
Q. I used the ResMed mini with the regular humidX in Hawaii and I had droplets of water in my tube. Any ideas? Or is Hawaii such high humidity that I don’t need the humid x?
A. I would suggest not using them if the place has enough humidity. Thank you
Q. How often do you replace the Humedx filter…Dailey?
A. The HumidX should be replaced after 25-30 days or when it is dry or when you feel that it does not provide enough humidity anymore.
Q. Do I need to use the HumidX for the machine and mask to work ?
A. Absolutely not! The machine and mask set up will work with the HumidX. However, without the capsules you may suffer from nasal dryness or congestion.
Q. I recently got a travel machine that takes these. on our trip to Scandinavia the machine was great I didn’t have any issues slept wonderful etc. etc. When I got home I used it about two weeks later for an overnight trip and I woke up with my nose super dry and I could not stop sneezing all day long, my throat was dry, and I was blowing my nose all day las well. I’m not sure how I can have a dry nose and be snotty at the same time but this was the case. I switched the next night to the blue pack (it had been the grey one, xplus) and the next day it was much of the same. Why is this happening?
A. Hi there, the pucks are only good for about 25-30 days at a time, so it is possible the puck dried out mostly before your overnight trip. When you switched to the blue one it is going to provide a lower amount of moisture than the grey one so that could be the issue. I would definitely recommend getting more of the HumidX Plus to try to see if you still have this issue. Thank you.
Q. Does the Humidex works any (humidifier-less) cpap? I just got (finally!) my refurbed dreamstation go from Philips. For travel with my airtouch f20 I was thinking about the humidifier puck. But the puck literature keeps me saying it's for the airsense mini - I think that's just marketing dreaming, right? Dreamstation Go would work?
A. You can use the Transcend HME kit instead if the Dreamstation Go has a standard sized cpap tube.
Q. How long does one humidity pack last?
A. Each pack lasts for 30 days once opened
Q. I want to rent a resmed air sense mini with hme. I use a resmed f20 full face mask. Would you able to tell me what I need to accomplish this. Thanks in advance.
A. Absolutely! To rent the Airmini you can give us a call at 866-936-3754 and we can assist you. You will require a prescription as well.
Q. Will this work with my Dream wear nasal mask ?
A. Unfortunately no! These Humid X capsules are specific to the N20 nasal mask and the P10/N30 airmini set up pack. Feel free to call at 1866-936-3754 if you need some more assistance.
Q. I have a Air Sense 10 machine with the humidifier, do I need this Humid X or would it make any difference?
A. Hello, if you are using the humidifier of your Airsense 10 and you're going to get the Airmini as your back up, the HumidX is best for you as it provides waterless humidification. Otherwise, if you're not using your humidifier, then you can skip this. Just note this requires certain masks as well as it is only compatible with 4 masks.
Showing 1 to 10 (of 10 questions)

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11–11 of 11 Reviews
5 of 5 Stars!
Kyle L
Subject: ResMed HumidX Plus for AirMini
Great purchase on the AirMini! Combined with the HumidX plus, I have enjoyed the comfort in the desert heat on my trips. So glad to have the combination!
9 months ago
5 of 5 Stars!
Subject: Very pleased
I am very satisfied with this business... when you call you can very quickly get a polite and helpful human on the phone, they are local in the Seattle area...first time rental for me ....thusfar very happy.
2 years ago
5 of 5 Stars!
Eddie Y Verified Purchase
A package of six is worth to buy. If is more comfortable to have.
5 years ago
5 of 5 Stars!
Eliatan M
The HumidX Plus is perfect for nice sleeping. The price is good and delivery is very fast.
5 years ago
5 of 5 Stars!
Elizabeth S
Exactly what I needed for a good price. This à­tem work great, nice for the travel unit.
6 years ago
5 of 5 Stars!
Shawn H
Fantastic for use with the Air Mini! Made my trip even better!
6 years ago
5 of 5 Stars!
Gonzalo G
Hola, quiero hacer una consulta por el Air Mini.

¡Es posible utilizarlo sin humidificador?
6 years ago
5 of 5 Stars!
Jimmy W
I love it. It is so small and easy to carry. I am glad I purchased it.
7 years ago
3 of 5 Stars!
Subject: In-line humidify filters
Not as great as claimed. Sometimes last less than a week before needing replacement. Convenient though when traveling especially overseas and you don’t have to find water for a CPAP humidifier.
2 years ago
3 of 5 Stars!
Richard M
Subject: wrong item
I ordered the humidx that was suggested by the web siteas an add on to my order but it is the wrong item.
I needed the humidx f20 but got the humid x plus

Feel free to call so we can assist you with getting the correct HumidX caps. Calls us at 1866 936 3754.

3 years ago
3 of 5 Stars!
Roberto F
Solo necesito los humidificadores rs-med humidX no el humidX plus
6 years ago
Showing 11 to 11 (of 11 reviews)