DreamStation 2 Auto CPAP Advanced by Philips Respironics - Refurbished
Read more about this product here.Prescription Required
HCPCS CodeE0601, E0562
ManufacturerPhilips Respironics
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1–4 of 4 Questions
Q. Do you sell the cord separately that goes to the Dream Station 2? I don’t need the part that plugs into the wall. I have gone on two trips with one half of the cord missing or the other! I wish they were together. Think I’ll duck tape them. I’m in SC visiting for two more weeks, but live in Richmond. Seems that no medical supply carries it here in Mt Pleasant, Charleston area. Please call at 804-229-5878 Tues 9/10 Thanks
A. Unfortunately, we do not have the cord in stock as a separate item.
Q. It has some warranty?
A. Yes, includes a 90-day warranty.
Q. Was this one of the recalled machines?
A. No. The DreamStation 2 machines were not recalled.
Q. I don't feel that I'm getting all out of my cpap. I think its not turned up high enough...I just need to no how to do it...thanks
A. Your replacement CPAP should have been set up as per your prescription. We don't advise adjusting the pressures without a doctor's direction. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A7DOnQyBhN0
Showing 1 to 4 (of 4 questions)
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