AirCurve 10 VAuto BiPAP by ResMed
Boasting an intuitive design and advanced technology, the ResMed AirCurve 10 VAuto offers a premium solution for sensitive sleepers who need high CPAP pressures.
This automatic bi-level device comes with a dial and a large color screen, helping you easily navigate your therapy.
Achieve a new level of comfort with the AirCurve 10 VAuto, along with its convenient features such as:
- AutoSet (VAuto mode) - automatically adjusts pressures at inhalation and exhalation for improved comfort and effective therapy
- Easy-Breathe (VAuto and S modes) - allows you to exhale at a lower air pressure setting than you inhale at, so you can breathe out more easily
- Expiratory Pressure Relief (CPAP mode) - reduces pressure when you breathe out
- SmartStart/SmartStop - lets you start and end therapy with just a breath for hands-free operation
- Ramp - delays the onset of pressure for up to 45 minutes, allowing you to fall asleep naturally
- TiControl - lets your doctor adjust the maximum and minimum inspiratory time limits, aligning your therapy with your natural breathing pattern
Sleep without worrying about rainout and wake up without nasal congestion or dryness. Using the ClimateLineAir heated tube enables the humidifier’s "Climate Control Auto" setting, which automatically adjusts humidity and tube temperature levels.
Sharing your sleep data with your provider is easy — simply download your compliance report via the included SD card. With the modem version of the AirCurve 10, you can also view your sleep metrics on the myAir app and allow your doctor remote access to your data and device settings.
Review by Pam Schmidt RRT, RCP
Registered Respiratory Therapist for RespShop

Let's talk about the ResMed AirCurve 10 VAuto with HumidAir. Many of my clients appreciate the comprehensive sleep apnea therapy provided by this ResMed auto BiPAP machine. If you're looking for a feature-rich bilevel device, then the AirCurve 10 may be just what you need!
The ResMed AirCurve 10 VAuto adjusts breath-by-breath to deliver optimal air pressure for inhalation and exhalation. The humidification system has been enhanced with the addition of the HumidAir heated humidifier. This humidifier automatically adjusts humidity based on room temperature, and combining it with the ClimateLineAir Heated Tubing helps prevent rainout in your mask and hose.
A unique feature the AirCurve 10 offers for my clients with COPD or other obstructive lung diseases is TiControl. It monitors their inhalation and exhalation patterns, detecting delayed changes in breathing cycles. The AirCurve 10 sets minimum and maximum time limits, helping to prevent cycling. If a client's breathing slows, the AirCurve 10 adjusts its timing to deliver pressure, helping the user stay within the machine's set limits.
Another feature that my clients really love is Expiratory Pressure Relief (EPR). EPR lowers your pressure during exhalation, preventing feelings of suffocation that might cause you to stop therapy. It's a great feature that has helped many of my clients continue to use their BiPAP machines comfortably.
Ramp, which was a feature found in ResMed's previous generation of BiPAP machines, is still present in the AirCurve 10. Ramp helps you fall asleep faster by starting therapy off on lower pressure. It then gradually increases pressure over an extended period until it reaches your prescribed pressures. Additionally, Vsync Technology monitors for mask leaks throughout the night to ensure you receive optimal therapy.
Even though the AirCurve 10 is a little more expensive than other auto bilevel machines on the market, it's a solid, reliable machine with a 2-year warranty. Like most things, you get what you pay for and ultimately, isn't a good night's sleep worth it? I sure think so!
Heated tubing: ClimateLineAir 10 Heated Tubing and ClimateLineAir 10 Oxy Heated Tubing
Non heated tubing: any standard or slim tubing
You can also replace the water chamber with the Air10 Side Cover, which not only automatically disables the humidifier but also reduces the size of the machine.
Please note that airline policies regarding in-flight CPAP/BiPAP use can vary. Always familiarize yourself with your airline’s on-board CPAP/BiPAP use policy prior to traveling.
This video demonstrates how to add oxygen to your sleep apnea machine.
AirCurve 10 VAuto with cellular modem: This version has a built-in cellular modem, allowing it to automatically send data to your doctor and the ResMed myAir app.
AirCurve 10 VAuto (non-cellular): This version lacks a modem and cannot transmit data to your provider or the app. However, you can still download sleep data from the included SD card.
To access comprehensive therapy data within the Sleep Report menu, ensure that Essentials Plus is selected on the device. Essentials Plus can be enabled within the Clinical Menu by selecting Settings, followed by Essentials, and finally by selecting Plus.
This video demonstrates how to access the Clinical Menu on the AirSense 10 (different machine, same method of access).
- Wash the components with mild soap and warm water. Do not use water that is hotter than 131°F (55°C).
- Rinse each part thoroughly.
- Air dry away from direct sunlight.
Non heated tubing: compatible with all non heated tubing (standard & slim).
Heated tubing: compatible with ClimateLineAir 10 and ClimateLineAir 10 Oxy Heated Tubing
We camp a lot and use a 12v electric generator to power my cpap
For machine cleaning: unplug machine - remove the water chamber, open it up and wash with warm soapy water (use mild soap). Let chamber air dry. Disconnect hose from machine and wash with mild soap as well. You can also use a CPAP hose brush (please see comfort and cleaning under CPAP supplies) to clean the inside of your tubing.
I was diagnosed with central sleep apnea a year ago. I was not provided with much information at all. I got a cpap and a mask and was told to use it each night. I would attempt to use it every night. Each night I would attempt to use CPAP therapy. Once I was lying down, wearing my mask, I would start feeling optimistic about being able to wear the mask all night. This would be the night, I would tell myself. I would sleep soundly for a couple of hours and then I would wake to a loud noise and water spitting at me! It was alarming! I would be grossed out and frustrated and TIRED. I would go back to sleep without my mask. I eventually quit using it. Feeling guilty about my non compliance I did some research and found What an impressive website! I called through and the kind, informative customer service explained I needed a ClimatelineAir tubing. This tube allows my humidification to be set as I need it and no more waking to noise or water in my face! Get a ClimateLineAir tube!
The ResMed AirCurve 10 VAuto with HumidAir is a very nice bipap machine. I've used other brand names since 2001 and this is the best machine that I have ever used. The myAir app could be better and the screen could stay on a little longer. But the machine it self is great.
I would highly recommend this CPAP machine .
Good machine quieter and more options than my old Phillips bipap, I also like that it only gives me the pressure I need
a gift from the heavens if mask worked as good as machine i would be so happy
The device's response to my breathing has been faultless. Especially noticeable, is how easily I am able to begin exhalation after receiving assistance with taking a breath in! Even if I consciously "force" the beginning of my breath out, the device instantly removes the pressure support of inspiration, and I feel absolutely no resistance to breathing out.
HOWEVER, the engineering of the humidification system is seriously flawed. The volume of the water chamber is too small and therefore the units ability to provide high humidity for an entire nights sleep is compromised!
I have chronic sinus issues.....and live in a wintry area; therefore require increased heat/humidity from my sleep machine during "heating season." I would turn my Resmed Autoset II humidifier to almost the highest heat setting. My tubing had a thermal wrap and heating wire to prevent rainout. I would fill the humidifier to capacity each evening and enjoy therapeutically moist air throughout the night, via nasal pillows. I would awake with clear nasal passages and normal sinus fluid drainage.
When I attempt to duplicate this with the new unit the humidity chamber runs dry at some point in the night! I awaken with a dry chamber, nose and oral cavity.
Having read the information in the help pages of Resmed, I slept with a chin strap to assure no leakage due to open mouth without improvement.
Using the autoset feature of the humidifier and a tubing temperature setting of 72-74 degress F allowed the fill of the humidifier to last the night (less than a tablespoon of water left when the fill was slightly above the max fill line) but still left my mouth dry and my nasal passages with crusty mucus deposits.
When I spoke with my sleep contact, they said MANY customers complained of the poor design of the humidifier. They said they had personally spoken to ResMed about this issue and were told there was no plan to redesign the system (in other words, "too bad").
Not very heartening from a company with such an altruistic mission statement.
So...I cannot recommend this unit.....and will likely return mine before the end of my return period; to select another brand with better humidification capacity.......emphasizing that if you live in more temperate climates, without wintertime heating, this may be the very device for you.